BCA Village Groups

Dear all, Would you like to become more involved in village activities, everyone is most welcome? The trustees of the Burton Community Association are looking for villagers/residents who would be interested in joining one of the below groups, and work together to share thoughts and ideas for the benefit of Read more…


Please see the attached minutes/notes for the 2016-17 BCA AGM which were approved as correct at last nights 2017-18 AGM Chris Bennett

100 Club Lottery Draw

The thirty-fifth draw of the 100 Lottery Club was made tonight Friday 27th April 2018. The draw was made by Anastasia from Nettleton who was dining at the pub. 1st prize (£60) was won by Pauline Gray 2nd prize (£30) was won by David & Margaret Staincliffe 3rd prize (£20) Read more…