Let’s get this party started!

We’ve had a great response so far, with many Burton residents pledging food for the Coronation Party on Sunday 7 May.
If you haven’t had a chance to make your pledge yet, don’t worry! There is still time to volunteer your culinary contributions to the picnic.
And if you aren’t sure what food to bring, we could do with more of the following:
- Sandwiches, especially vegetarian and Coronation Chicken
- Vegetarian savouries, such as samosas, bhajis, felafel, chilli bean puffs, Greek dolmades…
This list is not exclusive, and you are of course welcome to cook or buy other buffet foods for the party.
To ensure we have enough food to cater for most tastes, please add your pledge to the poll (see step-by-step guide below). While the poll is the preferred method for you to pledge your contributions, we understand that polls may not be your thing. Where this is the case, do please get in touch with an organiser directly (Chris, Sabine, Magda, Steve and Amanda roam freely around the village, and are likely to be spotted in the pub at Happy Hour on Fridays). Alternatively, add a comment in the Leave a Reply section at the foot of this blog.
With apologies to those living outside Burton, this party is for residents only. Burton will be holding other events during the year (watch this space) to which all will be made very welcome.
Thank you for your support.

Step-by-step guide to filling in the poll

- Click on the link to take you to the poll. Add your name (first name plus initial of surname). Don’t worry, by clicking ‘Proceed as Guest’ you do not need to give your email address to access this poll.
- Scroll down through the suggested foods list (see screenshot of list in Figure 1 above). The foods on this list are an indication of suitable finger foods. However, you will have the opportunity to pledge any other buffet-style food you choose to contribute. Below the list is a separate table. If you added your name in stage 1 (above), you’ll see a row with your name in this table (see Figure 2 below).
- Click on any cell in your named row to add your contribution(s). To pledge food from the suggested foods list, add the item and amount (number of items/portions – whatever seems most appropriate) under the column Foods from Selection Above. Check previous entries to avoid duplication. For instance, if Magda has pledged 12 x blueberry muffins, you could pledge muffins/fairy cakes of a different variety. To pledge food (suitable for a finger buffet) not on the list of suggested foods, add to Other Food Contribution 1, and Other Food Contribution 2.

For what to expect on the day, and all things Coronation Party head over here.
Don’t forget, for any queries, please add a comment below and we’ll get right back to you.